The lab, (refered to as the Int-Cyber-Lab), is composed of a dedicated team of diverse researchers, graduate students, and collaborators who share a passion for advancing knowledge in the fields of intelligent systems and architectures. The lab currently has open positions to hire talented and skilled researchers at the Master's and Ph.D. levels. If you are interested, please send your CV to the lab director.


Ahmad Patooghy, (Senior Member, IEEE) received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2011. Since August 2021, he has been with the Department of Computer Systems Technology at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, leading the Intelligent Cyber Systems and Architectures Laboratory. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journal papers and conference proceedings. He has been a reviewer and PC member for various IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, and Springer journals and conferences. He has also served as a panelist for the National Science Foundation for reviewing grant proposals. His research interests include the security and reliability of machine learning applications and accelerators, hardware security in IoT and cyber-physical systems, and hardware design for machine learning acceleration. Dr. Patooghy is a Senior Member of the IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and a Member of the ACM.    

Current and Affiliate Students

Mahdi Hasanzadeh

PhD Student

Tia Pope

PhD Student

Mehdi Elahi

PhD Student

Sreekar Reddy Karnati

Master Student

Danavon Harris

Undergraduate Student

Amin Sarihi

Affiliate PhD Student at New Mexico State University

Peyman J. Poursani

Master Student


Dr. Evelyn Sowells-Boone

North Carolina A&T State University

Dr. Peter Jamison

Miami University

Dr. Olcay Kursun

Auburn University at Montgomery

Dr. Cynthia Sturtun

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Dr. Hameed Badawy

New Mexico State University

Dr. Ali AlQahtani

North Carolina A&T State University

Dr. Mahdi Fazeli

Halmstad University, Sweden

Dr. Kasem Khalil

University of Mississippi

Dr. Ramin Rajaei

Jariet Technologies, Inc.

Dr. Amirali Baniasadi

University of Victoria

Dr. Mahmoud Mahmoud

North Carolina A&T State University

Dr. Hossein Sarrafzadeh

North Carolina A&T State University

Former Students